Friday, January 12, 2007

Christians in UK protest while in Nigeria they threaten with death

It may seem a long way between the protesters who gathered outside Parliament on Tuesday, praying fervently to be given the legal right to discriminate against people in same-sex relationships, and Davis Mac-Iyalla in hiding in Nigeria, fearful for his life after receiving anonymous death threats from fellow Christians. Changing Attitude UK has just reported that Davis has received a threatening letter delivered to his place of hiding.

But the words and actions of the groups represented amongst those protesters, such as the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, and even more so, of church leaders such as Peter Akinola and other Anglican diocesan bishops, foster a certain climate amongst Christians. Their words and actions sow seeds of rejection and loathing, which are so nourished by the current climate as to bear fruit of many kinds, including threats and even actual physical violence.

Threats to Davis Mac-Iyalla’s life are being taken very seriously by his friends.

‘By their fruits you shall know them.’

My previous postings:

Sexual Orientation Regulations: first hurdle over

Christian Unions in the UK and the Church in Nigeria

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